David's Page  St. Pete Dave

                    #4 GrandKid!!

       Welcome to my page. This page is dedicated to Jesus because He has done so much for me. I am sharing this from the bottom of my heart and I urge you to read what I have to say. Because if you have not already done what I am about to tell you, than this could be the best day of your life. Okay now we can begin. If you will just look at the pictures and the text next to them I will tell you all you need to know.                                                 

    Now our story begins with a man named Jesus. Now this guy was no ordinary human. You see, He was the Son of God. Now those of you who think this is just some made up religious deal, well I want to inform you that you have been misguided. This is the real deal. I am writing this to you because it commands in the Bible to go and preach His Word. Now I am going to do just that. So just sit back and listen to what I have to say. Okay, back to the story. So there was this man named Jesus who came here from Heaven. He was here on a mission. He came to save us. That's right. He came as flesh (human form) and gave up His heavenly body which was perfect to come down here to Earth for a short while. Now He had to have love because anyone who is willing to leave their safe place in order that they may save millions of people has love. In matter of fact God is love. He is everything that is love. Now I am not talking about a love where it is kiss kiss and a kiss kiss. No...I am talking about that love when you experience the feel of helping someone out. Or befriending someone. You see, Jesus was a gift of love that God gave to us that were in need. Jesus came to free us from the grasp that Satan would of had on us if He would of never came. To put it in an easier way is this....Jesus came for you and me and everyone else that has ever lived. He came to conquer Death so that we would never have to experience what He did. Jesus died for us. He fulfilled all the prophecies that foretold of His death. He was whipped. He was beaten. He was spat on. He was forced to carry a huge cross on His torn back all the way through Jerusalem. Jesus died the ultimate death so that we would not have to. Now don't even tell me that there was no love in Him. He took the keys of Hell so that we would never have to go to that awful place. In doing all this He made a bridge between man and God. This is what the picture shows.

For God so loved the world, that He gave His one and only Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.     John 3:16

     Now I know that you have to be sad. I mean the greatest man who ever walked the Earth was just killed because people thought He was blaspheming. You see, earlier people asked Him if He was the Son of God that he had claimed to be and He had answered yes. Now it was their fault partially but Satan was at work in this whole deal. He planted thoughts into people's minds so that they would kill Jesus. So they killed Him and so it appeared that He was gone forever. But God did not intend for Him to die. He just wanted Jesus to experience death so that death would be conquered. So God (reminding you that He can do all things) rose breathed life back into the dead body of Jesus. This is the joy of this whole thing. Jesus, the sinless One, experienced death but did not die. So God gave us a wonderful gift through Jesus Christ; the gift of Life. He gave us Life through the blood of Christ so that we may be saved. But now this is where you pick what side you are on. Jesus offered this all to me and I accepted. I became a believer in the body of Jesus. I am proud to be called a Christian. Now I can experience the joy of seeing Him face to face in Heaven. You too can enjoy this same privilege. All you have to do is believe what I and many others believe. If you choose to believe that Jesus Christ died on the Cross for your sins and rose from the dead than pray this prayer right now: Dear Jesus, I am a sinner and I confess my sin to you right now. I believe that you came to this Earth and died for me. I believe that through your blood my sins have been washed away. Lord, come into my heart and make me part of your body. Protect me from the temptation that Satan has put before me and give me discernment between right and wrong. Forgive me of all my past sin. Thank you for all you have done for me. It is in your name I pray. Amen


    Now if you have just prayed that prayer and you truly believe in your heart that He is real and that He died and rose again than listen to my instructions. Go to a Christian Book Store so that you can get a Bible. Read the Bible every day and apply it to your life. The Bible is your spiritual food so that you can remain strong in the Lord. Find a good church with an uplifting church family that will teach you what God wants you to do. Find some good Christian friends that can be role models for you. And if you can't find any Christian friends you can always follow the ways of Christ because He is the ultimate role model. He had no sin found in His body. He was perfect and without blame. If we model our lives after His than we will advance closer to God. And finally pray every day so that you may remain in contact with God. Follow the Ten Commandments and do as they say. Remove from your life any bad habits or sinful nature so that Satan does not have any footholds in your life. Now try to do the things I have just told you. I pray that God will protect you and keep you safe wherever you may go.  Rejoice because you are now saved from death and you are now a new person. You are now part of the body of Christ. You are now a Christian and you can be assured that you are going to a wonderful place when you die. God bless you and have a nice day.




  David Says:

"Michael's not Heavy, He's My Brother!" 







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